I'm new to this lifestyle, where do I start?
Want to see how many ingredients women typically put on their body on a daily basis?! Check out my post HERE.
Maybe you just found out you have a health problem or maybe you just found out that a loved one has a health problem. Maybe you decided, for whatever reasons, that it's time to really start caring about your health. Maybe someone else's lifestyle is enticing because you saw them have a big transformation after switching their products and food....
Whatever reason lead you here, I'm so glad you're here! Taking responsibility of your health is step one and you did it!
Now where the heck do you start?!
Making lifestyle changes can feel overwhelming! It can feel like there's a lot of loud opinions online, maybe a google search confused you, or maybe you see a label and have no idea what the heck you're looking at.
This is exactly why I created my shop. This is why I created my eBook, "How to Have a Positive Mind in a Toxic World", my other eBook, "Greenwashing 101", and built this community!
It feels like everything is toxic and it probably makes you want to pull your hair out! But have no fear! It DOES get easier and as you learn things, you'll learn the importance of the smaller changes rather than the bigger ones.
The first place I would start on my journey: Water & Food
1) The first swap I would make is your water! This one is more of an investment but we are made up of water! This is extremely important. I understand that water filtration is an investment for most people, this is why I have put together different water filtration options of all different price points. If you have the funds, I recommend getting your water tested first and then purchasing a filter that meets your personal water requirements! This is the water testing I recommend. But if water testing just isn't in the budget right now, check out EWG Tap Water Database and type in your own zip code. It will give you a general testing for your area. After you check it out, find water filters that filter out the highest contaminants found in your water source. Learn more about Fluoride HERE.
2) Food. Our food system is extremely corrupt. You don't necessarily have to buy more food but you should filter out the foods that have a bunch of additives in them. My rule of thumb for food is mostly just choosing whole foods whenever possible. Real food can be healing!
- Buy organic when possible (or even check out the Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen that gets updated yearly!)
- Choose grass-fed, grass-finished meat when possible
- Choose real, whole foods over processed
- Pasture raised eggs (this ensures the chickens are living a quality life outdoors with a lot of space to roam + organic (if possible) to ensure the chickens have an organic diet
- Raw dairy > Pasteurized Dairy (if you have dairy in your diet). Raw dairy sounds gross if you aren't exactly sure what it is but it's what humans have been consuming since the beginning of time. It's full of vitamins and nutrients! The problem with pasteurized is that they remove the good AND bad bacteria. I'd argue most people have issues with pasteurized dairy & in my opinion, it's just not nutritional. Unfortunately, raw dairy is illegal in most states. Check out https://www.realmilk.com/ to learn more!
Instead of completely removing some of your favorite treats, learn to make them with better ingredients! It's rewarding & tasty!
If you're working on those are you're ready for the next step, try out all the free things you can do (or stop doing!): Getting sunshine, getting movement, regulating your nervous system, grounding, removing yourself from toxic relationships, finding joy in life, eating less processed foods & sugars, being in nature, and building a quality relationship with God.
I think people do get overwhelmed thinking they have to do ALL the things and purchase EVERYTHING but there's so many really simple things you can add that can really add quality to your life.
BUT, you probably do need to switch up some of your everyday products if you're using them, right? So let's talk about the things I would switch first & foremost: the products you use daily that are non-negotiables in your life. For me the top 3 things are: deodorant, toothpaste, and my razor!
b1) The first place I would start your journey would be deodorant. This is a product you're putting on daily in a very sensitive spot. It's a cost effective swap & if you're really interested, you can make your own! Check out my Deodorant Swap Options!
2) The next swap I would make is toothpaste! Toothpaste is also something you use daily, multiple times a day, and your oral microbiome is such a sensitive area because it's connected to the rest of your body! Check out my Toothpaste Swap Options!
3) My razor has ALWAYS been something that I have to have but I definitely used to use the toxic razors. I know this doesn't seem like a priority product for everyone but after seeing the laundry list of ingredients in the razor strips, the irritation I STRUGGLED with, the itchy bumps, redness, knicks and cuts, the bleeding, and ingrown hairs... not the mention the PFAS (forever chemicals) in made of the blades.. it quickly became a priority product for me! Read HERE to see the nasty ingredients they add into those razor strips that easily absorb into our skin when we shave!
Focus on the products you use DAILY. Use DIY if that's up your alley. If it's not up your alley and you prefer to purchase, make sure to do your research on not only the product, but the company as well! Making informed decisions is EMPOWERING.
DO NOT OVERWHELM YOURSELF. The small changes over time will keep you way more consistent than trying to detox your entire life overnight. I've seen too many people give up because they did too much at one time.
Now the big question I see/hear often. "This lifestyle is so expensive!!!" I agree and it's completely unfair. But putting your health first is the best thing you can invest in. You don't have to purchase "all the things", you don't have to have to get every bio-hack, and you don't have to purchase from every single influencer you see. There's SO many free things you can do. I made a post on that HERE. But the truth is, we either invest in ourselves now or we invest in ourselves later (sick in the hospital). I prefer the first option. Our body's are AMAZING, they can handle A LOT. They know how to naturally detox but they can only take but so much of a toxin load. & everyone's different.
Honestly, I feel like getting in the mindset of making better decisions is much harder than acting on it. It will take time and THAT'S OKAY.
You've got this! & this community is truly amazing! Make friends who align with your lifestyle (in person & online), follow accounts that align with your health decisions or expand your health ideas, and don't ever give up on yourself. You cannot work, take care of your family, enjoy life, or be your best self if you don't take care of your health first, it'll always catch up.
If it's sold in stores, it must be safe post HERE