My Product Requirements
➡️ First & mostly, THANK YOU for using my website as a resource! Not only are you finding QUALITY & SAFE products, but you are also supporting my business at absolutely no extra cost to you when you use my links!
➡️ Always check the pricing through the company's website- I post the original listing price on here but most of the time there are awesome discounts happening!
➡️ Instead of blindly following my advice, I always encourage people to look things up for themselves!
➡️ BUT, I do take a lot of time looking over products, studying their ingredients, their safety, talking to companies, and either trying them out myself for their performance or getting as much feedback from my community as I can for performance opinions.
➡️ The thing about performance is that you may not feel the same way I do about a product. For example, i might love a deodorant that didn't work for you and vice versa, this is why I'm adding options! (This is why I've added a Reviews section, please add reviews on your favorite or not so favorite clean products!: other people read them!)
My product requirements are:
- The product cannot have ANY known carcinogens (cancer causing ingredients, endocrine disruptors (hormone disrupters), or additives that can cause other short or long term health risks.
- The product does not have any dangerous contamination issues (this is very common in conventional products) A common example would be benzene- you wouldn't find this on a label. I do my absolute best to pay attention to this and update as I can.
- I don't avoid irritants all the time- an irritant can look like a synthetic or natural ingredient depending on the person. Unless it's a well known irritant (like methylthiazolinone) that has caused massive side effects. (Example, bee byproducts can be an irritant for someone allergic but can be beneficial for others)
- I prefer 3rd party tested whenever possible for any product that has natural ingredients in it. Anything that comes from the earth will have natural occurring heavy metals, we want these levels to be as low as possible.
- I do not avoid synthetics. In some cases, synthetic ingredients can be safer due to less contamination, more controlled environments. If you completely avoid synthetics, you likely won't align with many products on my site.
- I avoid both hydroxyapatite and fluoride in dental products. See my posts HERE and HERE for why I avoid hydroxyapatite. Click HERE to see why I avoid fluoride.
- My goal here is to give you LOWER TOXICANT products, this does not mean every product is perfect but it is SAFE.
- Glass packaging whenever possible to reduce microplastics.
My food requirements:
- I try to stick with whole foods as much as possible.
- I prefer organic whenever possible, but not always.
- I avoid GMOs.
- I avoid additives as much as possible.
- I'm here to share BETTER options, not perfect. Perfect options typically cost more and I want to share cost effective foods as well.
- Glass or Stainless Steel packaging whenever possible to reduce microplastics
My supplement requirements:
- I'm a bit more strict with my supplements
- I prefer 3rd party tested, natural ingredients will likely always have natural occurring heavy metals- we want to know the levels
- Whole food supplements
- Organic
- Non-GMO
- I prefer tinctures over pills due to better absorption
- I prefer pills that actually break down in the body
- Least amount of additives
- Glass packaging whenever possible to reduce microplastics